Pipe Fitter Formula –

फ्रेंड्स अगर आप भी पाइप फिटर का काम सीखना चाहते है या आप काम सिख रहे है तो पाइप फिटर फार्मूला का ज्ञान बहुत ही जरूरी है आज के इस लेख में हम सीखेगे की पाइप का फार्मूला क्या होता है इस फार्मूला के जरिए पाइप से सम्बंधित आप  आलग अलग कामकर सकते है कुछ फार्मूला मै निचे दे रहा हु जो निम्मन है 


Area = diameter x diameter x 0.7854,

Also, half of the circumference x half of the diameter 

Also, Square of the circumference x 0.0795


Length = degrees x Radius x 0.01745

Degrees =Length / Radius x 0.01745 

Radius = Length / degrees x 0.01745

Circumference = Diameter x 3.1416

                         = Radius x 6.2831

Diameter = Radius x 2


              = 1.1283 x square root of area

              = Circumference x 0.31831

  Radius = Circumference x 0.15915 

              =   Square root of the area x 0.56419

Side of equal square = diameter x 0.8862

Side of inscribed square = diameter x 0.7071

Area of sector area of circle x no. of degrees in arc / 360


Area of surface = one half of circumference of base x slant height + area of base

Volume = diameter x diameter x 0.7854 x one third of altitude


Volume = width x height x length


Area of surface = diameter x 3.142 x length x areas of the two bases

Area of base = Volume / Length

Length = Volume / area of base

Volume = diameter x diameter x 0.7854 x length

#Capacity in gallons

Area in inch x length (of stroke) in / 231

                   = (Diameter x diameter x 0.7854 x length) /231

                   = Diameter x diameter x length x 0.0034


Area = short diameter x long diameter x 0.7854


Area = width of side x 2.598 x width of side9.Parallelogram

Area = base x distance between the two parallel sides


Area = ½ per meter of base x slant height + area of base

Volume = Area of base x 1/3 of the altitude


Area = Length x Width

#Rectangular Prism 

Volume = width x height x length


Area of surface = diameter x diameter x 3.1416

Side of inscribed cube = radius x 1.1547

Volume = diameter x diameter x diameter x 0.5236


Area = Length x Width (Breadth) 


Area = one half of height times base


Area one half of the sum of the parallel sides x the height

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