Type of beam

Learn about the various kinds of beams used in building, such as

Table of Contents

 the T-, I-, and rectangular beams.

1-Universal columns

Universal columns, also known as UCs, are structural elements with an ‘I’ cross-section, primarily made from mild steel, known for their strength and rigidity.
Shape and Design:
Universal columns have an I-shaped cross-section, allowing them to withstand significant weight and various forces, while their width is roughly equal to their depth.

2: I Beam

An I-beam, also known as an H-beam, is a crucial structural steel shape in the metal building industry, consisting of horizontal flanges and a vertical web.
Cross-Section Shape:
The H-shaped cross-section of an I-beam is characterized by its horizontal elements, referred to as flanges, and its vertical element, the web.

3-A universal beam (UB)

A universal beam (UB), also known as an I-beam or H-beam, is a structural steel element with a cross-section resembling the letter “I” or “H.”. Let’s delve into the details:
An H-beam is a structural steel element with a cross-section resembling the letter “H,” and its name comes from its side-view resemblance.
Cross-Section Shape:
A universal beam’s cross-section comprises the web, the vertical part of the “I” or “H” shape, which can withstand hard forces, and the flange, the horizontal part that can withstand bending movement.

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An H-beam is a structural steel element with a cross-section resembling the letter “H,” and its name comes from its side-view resemblance.
Cross-Section Shape:
H-Beam Components

  • The vertical part resists hard forces, like shear forces.
  • Flange: Horizontal part enduring bending moments like weight or load distribution
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